Thank you for being a Member of Maritime Gloucester! Your membership demonstrates that our mission and our future is important to you. The Amelia Peabody Foundation agrees. Recently they chose Maritime Gloucester to receive a generous $25,000 grant to support our next stage of educational development!
The grant came with a challenge. The Foundation asked us to raise an additional $25,000. They asked that we engage our Board and the community in these efforts. I am very pleased to announce that our Board of Directors heard that challenge and jointly contributed $25,000!
Now, we are extending that same challenge to you, our Members. We are asking you to help raise another $25,000 and keep the momentum going - to Match the Match!
And that is not all. Because we have plan after the Members have met this goal. At that point, we will take that message of support and momentum to the general community and ask them to Match the Match with another $25,000.
We have the potential to raise a total of $100,000! Keep the Amelia Peabody challenge to engage the Board and the community alive. Help us make the most of this opportunity. Your Membership and your donations support us financially, but you also lend value as a loyal community. Your Maritime Gloucester membership tells the public, our funders, and the people and kids we serve that you find value in our work. And that is a powerful message. No one knows more about what we do and the impact of Maritime Gloucester on future generations than you.
This new capacity-building grant will begin to fund our next stage in curriculum development, physical site upgrades that support our programmatic message, and our outreach efforts for our educational programs. As you know, we served 663 Gloucester Public School youth in the 2019 school year alone. For the past 14 years we have been providing this educational supplement to our local Public Schools, teaching STEM and maritime science to our middle school students! Help us to continue to meet the demands for our next generation of students and visitors.
Maritime Gloucester serves the community by preserving our collective history and providing inspiration and discovery for future generations. The Amelia Peabody Foundation made a commitment to that mission. Your membership made a commitment to that mission. We ask you to please show your commitment again by investing in this campaign and helping us triple their original gift. It will take all of our members to do this!
Please respond by August 15. Send us a check and write Match the Match! in the memo line. Or go online HERE to donate with your credit card. Your work in the next few weeks will make a lasting and sustainable difference in our programs for years to come. We ask you to please, consider all that Maritime Gloucester offers our community and help us Match the Match!